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portrait photography //Professional // personal // artistic

As a photographer, I believe that successful portrait photography depends on the successful chemistry between me and my subjects.

The connection between us, even if it is short, is what leads to the perception of the moment that will serve you for a long time as the one you want to present to the world.


When somebody sees our portrait photo for the first time, either on Linkedin, our website, or social media, they conclude right away if they find us professional, confident, trustworthy, and most important, if they would like to contact us.


A portrait photo is a shared personal statement of the photographed side and the photographing side, which find the unique essence of the person standing in front of the camera and telling the spectator who they are and how they want to be seen.


Portrait photography can be done in a studio, office, at home or outdoors.

It's all a matter of preference and the type of statement you want to make.

Copy of Copy of Doriane Yossa - Marketin

Copy of Copy of Doriane Yossa - Marketin



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